Long skew trade
Skew "arbitrage" is a pretty broad term. When you are trading the skew, there are 3 principal risks (or sources of P&L, if you will): (a) the actual change in the slope of the skew in the implied space. e.g. if you are trading 95% strike against 105% strike and your underlying stays in place, all of your instantaneous P&L would be due to the changes in the implied vol at each strike times the Most option traders know that puts trade for more than calls – this is called “skew.” Dr. Data (Michael Rechenthin, PhD) is here to visualize this for a more We can trade a bull call spread by going long the 65 strike call and short the 70 strike call. Now if TOP moves up to $70 like we expect we stand to make our full profit on the bull call spread. Another more advanced way to pick our strikes is by looking at an option's skew.